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Lucky 13, Really?

Posted On May 16, 2018 at 1:34 pm by / No Comments

by Pastor Shaun W. Smith

Is 13 really lucky? For me, not so much. Allow me to briefly explain my journey with Tooth 13 for the last sixteen years. It was Winter 2000 when I first began experiencing pain with Tooth 13 in the top left of my mouth. This pain was in the gum area just above the tooth as well as in my head. Sensing the urgency of the moment, I immediately scheduled an appointment with a local dentist in Raleigh, NC, nearby where I was attending Bible seminary in Wake Forest, NC.

After a complete oral evaluation, the dentist recommended those now dreaded words: Tooth 13 requires a root canal due to infection. I was young and inexperienced with dental procedures at the time, so, I trusted this was the best option without seeking a second opinion. We moved forward with the root canal, which was not an enjoyable procedure, by the way. After the procedure, I departed the dentist’s office with high hopes that my problems with tooth 13 were now in the past. Of course, a couple of months later I quickly realized this was not the case as the infection reoccured. Frustrated, I went back to the same dentist who advised me he made a mistake and missed a second canal that needed to be cleaned. He performed the root canal again to include the second canal at no additional charge. I thought to myself, this should take care of the problem for good!

Again, the problem was not resolved. I continued to experience headaches, and the infection reappeared within months. At this point, the dentist referred me to a endodontic specialist who would perform the first apicoectomy on Tooth 13. From 2000 to 2016, I continued to experience daily headaches along with pressure in my head and foggy thinking. And, from 2010 to 2014 I had three additional apicoectomy procedures on Tooth 13 in Miami, FL, due to reoccuring infections. I was at the end of my rope trying to “save” a dead tooth. Was I receiving bad advice?

As a believer in Jesus Christ, I strongly believe the Word of God. The Bible teaches God loves us and desires for us to walk in wholeness in spirit, soul (mind, will & emotions) and body. This was purchased for you and me by the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I thought to myself, this includes Tooth 13! But, my daily pain was a constant reminder of my internal disappointment and frustration that I was not fully walking in the abundant, healthy life Jesus died for me to experience NOW in this life. Questions would arise in my mind: Why was I not getting better? Why did it seem my body’s immune system was always fighting off a virus? What was causing the constant headaches and foggy thinking? Why was I always lacking energy throughout the day? Some days the pain was debilitating negatively impacting my daily routine. Even with weekly visits to the chiropractor, I would only feel good and energetic for one to two days maximum. This pain had become my norm; it was as if this situation was never going to get better after sixteen years, two root canals, and four apicoectomies.

Enter Stage Right: Dr. Yolanda Cintron.

I believe my introduction to Dr. Cintron was a divine appointment through a mutual Christian friend. I actually received her contact information in January 2016, but did not call until November 2016 because I was believing in God for a healing miracle in my tooth. Sometimes in life, through, God works miracles through great doctors like Dr. Cintron, who compassionately and holistically care for their patients. Dr. Cintron instructed her friendly staff to schedule my appointment as quickly as I could travel to Fort Lauderdale from Miami, FL. During my appointment, she performed an oral evaluation and advised me the best plan would be to extract Tooth 13, which was infected again. She also explained to me there was mercury at the root tip due to the previous apicoectomy procedures. This mercury at the root tip due to the previous apicoectomy procedures. This mercury was the culprit behind many of the negative symptoms I had experienced the previous sixteen years. As you can imagine, the extraction of your first tooth can be an emotional decision, but Dr. Cintron and her staff showed much compassion and care as I made the decision to deal with Tooth 13 once and for all.

Tooth 13 has been gone for two weeks now, and I am feeling more energetic and excited as each day passes. What a joy to wake up without pain! I am very thankful to Dr. Cintron and her staff for allowing the Lord Jesus Christ to minister His compassion and care through them to me. What a blessing, what a miracle! I am forever grateful. I pray the Lord will continue to bless you, keep you and make His face to shine upon you, in Jesus’ name.

To God be the Glory, Pastor Shaun W. Smith Miami, FL

#mercuryfree #cancer #rootcanal #Wellness #biologicaldentistry #holistic #dentistry #teeth #patientcare

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