Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine wires (needles) into specific spots to stimulate the body to heal itself.
Traditional explanations of acupuncture involve its effect on improving the flow of qi (‘vital air/energy’ and referred to as ki by the Japanese) and on balancing Yin and Yang, a paradigm of health and disease that maps very closely to the Western concept of homeostasis.
By stimulating specific points on the body with heat, pressure, or very fine needles, acupuncture practitioners are able to restore healthy function, thus resolving symptoms and reversing disease.
Benefits Include:
● Reduced Stress.Acupuncture has been proven to lower stress hormones and moderate mood to reduce anxiety and improve overall feelings of happiness.
● Reduced Back Pain, Neck Tension and Relieve JointPain in the Hands and Arms.Acupuncture provides drug-free pain relief while also reduces swelling and inflammation.
● Enhanced Mental Clarity and Increased Energy.Acupuncture patients report enhanced mental clarity and often experience a surge of increased energy.
● Reduced Cigarette Craving. In addition to helping ease jitters, curb cravings, and lessen irritability, it also promotes lung tissue repair while increasing relaxation and detoxification in the body.