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Posted On June 29, 2021 at 1:35 pm by / No Comments

It helps you… DETOX

A 2012 study found that sweating plays an important role in expelling heavy metals like mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic from the body because they dissolve readily in water.1 However, sweat can’t flush out all toxic compounds, so it’s important to drink filtered water and follow a healthy diet in order to avoid other low-dose chemical threats.

Heart Health

Putting the body in a situation where it needs to cool itself down by sweating can get your heart pumping similar to a cardio workout. Sweating, whether it be from physical exercise or from sitting in a sauna environment, can reduce the risk of cardiovascular health problems. A study published in 2015 states that those who sweat in a sauna more frequently were less likely to develop a fatal disease over the course of the study

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