We always tell our patients specific foods they should eat after their surgery like mashed potatoes, soups like lentil soup, creamy tomato soup, and smoothies with protein in it and other foods they shouldn’t eat like anything hard, for example, salads, grains, rices or steak and bread. So we thought, why not dedicate a page specifically for this?
So here it is! We are happy to have all of the different types of foods patient’s can and can’t have after their dental surgery.
Whether you’ve had a tooth extraction, wisdom teeth extraction, an implant placed, or a crown inserted and need to eat soft foods for a while, this will be your easy guide on what to eat and how to cook it!
Tips For After Your Dental Extractions
Soft foods should be easily smashed with a fork. Make sure you’re eating a variety of foods that’s going to guarantee you’re receiving the nutrients you need.
Top tip for after you extractions: Cool Your Foods
The heat from foods may dissolve the blood clot or clots that are trying to form so in order for them to form and heal, avoid hot foods and drinks such as hot soup, tea or coffee. Let your soup and drinks cool for the best healing outcome.
Another tip is to: Avoid Dairy Products.
We know some patients enjoy dairy products but for the best and quickest healing experience, try to avoid dairy products! Remember that the wound is open and vulnerable to any bacteria and infection.
Bacteria normally found in milk
Common psychrotrophic bacteria in milk are species of Micrococci, Bacilli, Staphyloccoci, Lactobacilli, Pseudomonas, and coliforms. Pseudomonas species are the most common and typically have the most impact on quality.